Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I've met Joe Pesci

Okay it's NOT the REAL Joe Pesci but I swear he looks and talks like him.

I started my next course last night. This short, dark haired, Italian looking, a lawyer is our new instructor (professor). I was mesmirized by the fluff on his hair...you know the kind that blows in the air and lands on someone's head. I had to keep telling myself to let the fluff go and concentrate on what was being taught...but something kept nagging me...he looks familiar...the guy from Welcome Back Carter...no not quite....who the heck does this guy remind me off...short legs...yak yak yak...and then BAM...just before break it hits me in the head...OH MY GOODNESS...It's cousin Vinny...no I mean Joe Pesci...he even sounds like him. This is going to be a very very difficult course...concentrate on the material Ben...and stop laughing!!!

1 comment:

Bernadette said...

I know I would not have been able to keep a straight face it if was Mr. Bean...the poor man.

As for Ben Affleck...I probably would have stood there with my mouth open and a very stupid look on my face...

Ben (not affleck)