Friday, April 01, 2005


Well I've jumped on the bandwagon. I now have my OWN blog. Whatever!!

My cousins Nadia and Linda have gone before me in expressing their views on different matters. Wow what a wonderful way of getting to know someone else's thoughts. You see, unlike my sister, I hate talk-radio. I cringe while changing the channel and hearing the myriad of talk shows as well. Yak Yak Yak....oh please there is enough noise in the world and I could care less if you think she stole your man or if he wears your underwear....but write it out...printed that's a different matter.

I love to read. I read while I eat, whether it's the cereal box or anything I can get my hands on.

I love to read while I ...well you know...we all keep something to read in the bathroom

I read while I drive...but only the signs on the road. (Like I'd read a book while I drive..PUHLEZE).

I would rather read than channel I record my shows and read before I go to bed. Then on weekends when tv is boring (Sunday mornings except for Coronation Street) I watch all my taped shows. CSI(all three), Lost, Alias and JAG.




Bernadette said...

Well I definitely have to give the audio book/cd a car does have a tape deck...

Now reading a book on the beach is still more fun than listening to the book....I sit on the shore with the waves crashing into me with a book in my hand, with the sand disappearing from underneath me rump roast...and watching my book get wet....ahhhh nothing like salt water on a paperback novel.

Bernadette said...

Okay Nadia...I can't wait. I haven't had a sexy voice whisper in my ears in a long time...well if I close my eyes while watching a Pierce Brosnan movie (Thomas Crown Affair)..then maybe that qualifies...


Bernadette said...

Hi Nadia,
I think I prefer car has a cassette, but I have an attachment where I can hook up my cd walkman...and the quality is better.

Whatever you have is much appreciated. Let me know if you want me to pick up.

muchas gracias,