Saturday, April 02, 2005

My April's Fool Day!!

Well it started off like any other day...traffic...waiting for the elevator to get to my was fine. Then I get a call from the specialist office...the xray that I was scheduled to go for later in the day at a scarborough hospital (which will remain nameless) had been changed to an MRI...hmm it's unusual I thought that an MRI would be booked so quickly, but hey...what the diff...I had already taken the afternoon off as a 1/2 day so off I headed to the hospital for my MRI...get there...go to the MRI located in the bowel of the hospital only to be told that I was supposed to be in xray...okay...that was my first hint that something was definitely off I trod to xray..."follow the purple dots to the elevator to the second floor and then follow the yellow dots to the xray department" I did. Get to xray only to be told "follow me...Peter will explain this to you"...okay Peter spill it!! "the voiding cystourethergram is no longer the best procedure for will be scheduled for an MRI"..wait a minute...'WILL BE?? YOU MEAN THAT I TOOK A HALF DAY VACATION TO COME HERE TO BE TOLD THAT I WILL BE SCHEDULED?' Needless to say, I was not happy. So 1/2 vacation day gone, and $12...lunch and parking for nothing. Oh and he can't give me a ballpark figure. I'm sure it won't be soon and it's a good thing this is nothing serious. So then I go to my sister's least I can spend the afternoon with family. Mom was having her usual resting period. My sister was gobbling down her lunch standing up...if she sits down for 5 minutes we consider it a miracle...she should be a walking stick the way she runs around! Then the kids inform her that a bulb has shattered in the basement and there is glass on the off she goes to clean it up before somebody gets cut up..."Ben can you bring down the vacuum" I bring down the vacuum and stop three stairs from the bottom as I'm in stocking feet...all of a sudden my feet slip from underneath me and I'm flying down and I knew it was going to hurt and it did. Slammed my back on the stairs and hurt my big toe (apparently on the vacuum and broke a piece off)...OUCH!!!! Talk about STUPID! When I got home later, I soaked in a helped, but it still hurt. Thank God for Advil. I've been up and down those stairs many a time and this time I decided to take a trip! Aye carumba!!!I'm okay. Just a bit sore...and bruised.So that was my April Fool's Day...but mine started in the afternoon. How was your's??Whatever!!Ben

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