Monday, September 19, 2005


I am a fan of Clean Sweep and all those other shows that try to teach us that 'more is NOT better'...well I guess it depends on what we are talking about...but when talking about stuff....I'm inclined to agree.

I've begun spending a few hours here and there trying to declutter my place. 2 1/2 years ago I moved from a 2 bedroom huge basement apartment to a small one bedroom (monette=no dining room=very small) apartment. While I packed for my move, I got rid of things...or so I thought, having underestimated the size of my new apartment. After the move (which took one HUGE truck load) and several car loads after (how can one person accumulate so much stuff???)...I threw out and gave away a lot of stuff.

Now it's time to get even more ruthless and organize my apartment. I've wanted to do this for 2 1/2 years....but always felt overwhelmed. I was finally motivated by a coworker who was having to cope without her housecleaner for a 1 1/2 months (vacation) (my friend did not want her housecleaning lady to come back to a messy condo (go figure)...and so began to slowly declutter her condo so that it would be easier to clean.

So, if you don't need...get rid of it. Goodwill and shelters are happy to take things that are still useful to others. If it takes up too much room (my computer desk which worked great in a huge basement apartment)...then see if someone wants it.

You may wonder, why don't I just do a yard sale?? Well I live in an apartment for one thing...and having done yard sales's frankly more work than its worth!

Little by can declutter your living space too!!



Bernadette said...

Not to worry...I have deleted the idiot! It's probably an automatic entry to advertise.

Bernadette said...

Nadia, I did not know you were the 'decluttering' queen. It is so much easier to clean when you don't have so much junk. I doubt that we are the only ones doing this... I know Dill's being doing a lot of decluttering too!! GO Declutterers!!

Bernadette said...

Dream on honey!!!

Chelsea said...

Auntie Ben
Can you come over and organize my toys for me?
Also my snack cupboard needs to be tidied up