Saturday, August 06, 2005

Devoted Sisters

I wanted to write today about the devotion that three amazing women who just happen to be my mother's sisters showed. Isabel, Gabriella (Gaby) and Conceicao (Connie). These were three of my mother's sisters. These women showed loved, strength, consideration, compassion and so many other amazing qualities in the past month. It isn't easy arriving early morning at a hospital to toilet, bath and feed your sister. It isn't exactly the most exciting place to be. It isn't easy to watch someone you love so much losing their life and still smile and make her laugh. That's what they did. They all did what they could and so much more.

Mom lost her battle with cancer Thursday, August 4th, 2005. She said she would fight until the end. She did, but she could never have done this without her sisters.

Thank you so much.



Anonymous said...

Dee says:

I am crying my head off right now but I am not surprised. My father and his siblings were all brought up by a truly compassionate woman, my grandmother and they are all wonderful people, especially Aunt Alcinda, who always always told me she loved me whenever she saw me which I will never forget.

Bernadette said...

It's times like this, when you are raw with emotional pain that you reflect on what matters the most. My mother touched so many people in so many ways...she was not a hipocrite..if she had something to say, she said it. But by the same token, when she said something, she meant it with all of her heart. She saw people inside...not just outside. She is the one person who understood me..sometimes better than I understood myself. I feel such an emptiness right now...I know it will never be filled...and maybe that is the way it should be. A mother's love can never be replaced. But I thank God for all that he has given me...the 66 years I had her in my life, the times we traveled alone together, laughed, argued and cried together. The void will never be filled...but I know that she wanted me to stay strong and I will if only to live up to her memory.