Friday, December 02, 2005

Abandoned in Bloggersville

Alas, it seems I have been abandoned in Bloggersville...not to be confused with Boogersville, a place I've never been. My co-bloggers are nowhere to be found...although one has claimed that she and her groomed schnoodle have been rendered literarily impotent due to some computer problems. It's possible...even believeable. But where the heck are the rest of you. Now don't tell me just because the temperature has dropped that your desire to blog has too?? Is that medically possible? Hmmm....I wonder. When we last left Helder...his foot had been stitched...did the foot heal? Did it fall off? Did he ever walk again? And what about Nadia? Is she still in her new job? Does she still know people? Egads...does she still enjoy her job?? And she going on this trip?? Has she packed? These questions and many others are still unanswered. Enquiring minds want to know. Stay tuned..perhaps they will return to never know....


1 comment:

Bernadette said...

What are cousins for? Consider yourself kickeded...
